Volunteer at Mulligan Farm
Our main facility near Huntington, WV

Sign the Volunteer Release Form Here Online Before Your Visit
You can commit as much time as you choose on a regular schedule or an as-needed basis. We are in the process of revising our volunteer structure and creating a handbook.
Visitation Policy to Mulligan Farm near Huntington, WV:
Please text Annette if you want to plan a visit:
336-467-3722 TEXT ONLY, please.
She will get back with you on a day and time to visit or email at equinerescue@live.com
Some ways that you can help are:
Filling hay bags, watering, meeting the horses, learning about feeding horses, cleaning stalls and assisting with turn out,
Grooming horses, tacking horses for trainers, hauling horses to vet visits and adopters,
Assisting during events with booths, experienced accounting assistance, photography, videography and graphic design Website updates, horse listings online, applications processing, legal services, fundraising assistance and grant writing.
Please arrive ready to perform helpful tasks and come ready with closed toe shoes and in barn sensible clothes ready to lend a hand.
Be sure to sign the volunteer form for all attendees.
No experience?
We can train you, so all experience levels are welcome. If you prefer to work in the barn or in administration or just once a year as an event, we can use your help in whatever capacity you offer.

Volunteers for Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue enjoy some amazing benefits.
Heart of Phoenix offers an unmatched opportunity to be immersed in the horse world and learn about horses of various ages, breeds and abilities from training, riding, ground work, health, nutrition and barn management.
Dedicated riding volunteers are given opportunities to learn more at clinics through out the year
No matter what your volunteer role is, you will have the opportunity to make new friends and partnerships in the horse community across multiple states.
Volunteers are able to learn about animal neglect and cruelty laws, work with law enforcement and help direct how our system works to help equines in need across Appalachia.
HOP Merchandise discounts for Shirts, License Plates and more
Volunteering with Heart of Phoenix will make you a better horsewoman or man!
Volunteers earn service hours for their volunteer time
A volunteer of the year award is given during our annual Gala
They may have an opportunity to participate in our public relations and marketing initiatives.
Can be recognized on our website, blog and on social media at various times through the year
Heart of Phoenix has a main facility of nearly 50 acres located right outside of Huntington, WV and many other foster locations. We can connect you to one that works for your location.
Want to bring your scout troop, 4H group, coworkers, club or community group to volunteer? Heart of Phoenix would be thrilled to make an appointment for you to do so! To sign up, pleas email tinia@wvhorserescue.org.
To join the volunteer newsletter to see what opportunities might be coming up for you.
Volunteers are presented with the chance to gain tremendous knowledge that will last a lifetime.

Our fosters come to us through many ways.
They are the sole reason we can hold 150% more horses than our main facility is capable of at any given time.
Our fosters mean around 100 more horses are rescued each year.
AJ reached out about 6 years ago when her favorite stallion had to be euthanized after a horrible illness. She wanted to help. She has grown up in a situation where she saw a lot of Tennessee Walking Horses sored, and she wanted to be of use in saving horses.
It started with holding one gelding, then two, then pregnant mares, followed by youngsters and newly gelded guys.
She has her first foster still, as he was aged and not really very adoptable. He is probably into his 30s, Lannister.
She fosters 4 to 5 at any given time these days.
It makes the most amazing difference for horses to be in a relaxed environment with one on one care.
It has sure meant the world to Rizzo, pictured here today. She will foal anytime in the next few days. She has blossomed there.
Thank you to those who give by opening their barns and fields to horses in need of fostering.